vrijdag 7 juni 2013

My 18th birthday!

On the second of June I celebrate with my friends and family that I'am walking around on this planet for 18 years now! 

Look at little Pudding Feet being cute
I actually had a birthday weekend. On Saturday I went to 'Animecon' with some friends of my'n. Animecon is the biggest animecon here in The Netherlands. It is an three day event with a lot of cosplay and a lot of thing's to do. For me this was the second time I went to an animecon. The first time was a very small con so I didn't really know what to suspect this time.
Unfortunately I spend the first hour at the entrance because one of my friends forgot to get cash and forgot to hand in the're bag when we were standing in line. When we finally were able to go in I was amazed by some amazing cosplays. Unfortunately I forgot to check if my card was in my camera and I wasn't able to take any pictures which I was very mad about. We spend a lot of time in the gaming area where I beat my friend's ass in almost every game we played, which wasn't a lot. Then we went into the dealer room where I saw the love of my life. I saw an purple alpaca plushie and I always wanted one of those since the first time I saw them online. But they were really expensive. For my birthday my friend gave me more then half of the money so I could buy one. And now I have Pudding Feet! The rest of my day at the con was so much fun. We walked around, laughed and just had fun. We ended it all with going into the city where a lot of people looked at little Pudding Feet. Some people even came up to me asking where I got it from. 

The day after was my birthday

I gt spoiled way to much!
With my boyfriend on skype I waited until the clock went 12 and it officially was my birthday. My family came into my room singing and as a first present I got an robot fish. I named it Taco and it's an clown fish haha. After that I stayed up for about an hour and went to bed too. When I woke up again, I got so many presents! My family woke me up with breakfast on bed and all these helium balloons ( which are still flying around in the house.) Then I got all my presents and I got so so so much!
I got: Hello Kitty cookies, all seasons of The Walking Dead on DVD, hershey's chocolate, fabric dye, a jar filled with chocolate, the desk chair on the picture, the first Assassins Creed game, more chocolate, Prfessor Layton and The Eternal Diva, Style Boutique (Style Savvy) and the book Paper Towns by John Green.
My best friend came over too and she gave me a pair of Minnie Mouse ears headband from her trip to Disneyland Paris. I'm so happy with everything I got. That  evening we went to a Greek restaurant and my grandmother actually pulled it off that the hole restaurant was singing for me, which was quite awesome. I had an wonderful birthday.
Two days later I also received a package from America. My boyfriend send me a birthday card, more Hershey's chocolate and a big rice grain plushie. 

So that was my birthday and I hope to be able to make some post of the Style Boutique game I got and I hope to be able to get Animal Crossing New Leaf and blog about that when it releases here in Europe.
So stay tuned!

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